Monday 26 November 2012

Sophie Helene Henriette Seppelt (Benno's Wife)

Benno's wife, Sophie Helene Henriette Seppelt (nee Schroeder) 1852 - 1925, played a very influential role in the history of Seppeltsfield.

Sophie, a local Tanunda girl, married Benno on the 23rd November 1870, thought to be just 17 years of age. She went on to become a devoted mother, falling pregnant every year for the first 20 years of thier marriage.

Of an astonishing 21 pregnancies, only 13 children went on to live into adulthood. The 13 children ensured the Seppelt wine business would continue in the family's hands, continuing the legacy of the first generation Seppelts. 

Along with raising her children, Sophie played an integral role in the over-all operation of the Seppeltsfield estate. Most notably, Sophie was heralded for her hospitality to the Seppeltsfield employees, ensuring 3 meals a day were available to them. An incredible thought given there was up to 100 staff under Benno during his custodianship. 

Heads of State and Royalty were known to also be hosted by Sophie.

Sophie is also credited with establishing a beautiful Rose garden on the property as well as 'Elm Walk' - a peaceful and serene walkway on the banks of Greenock Creek, in the heart of the estate. Sophie felt the need to provide a cool, shaded area on the estate, to which the family could enjoy during the heights of the Barossa Summer. The picturesque walkway is planted with a miture of tall cork elms as well as ferns and palms, providing cooling shade.

Sophie is interned in the family Mausoleum at Seppeltsfield, of which can be visited today.

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