Thursday 21 June 2012

Seppeltsfield; Oscar Benno Pedro Seppelt - Second Generation

Unfortunately Joseph Seppelt did not live to see the coming to fruition of his plans, passing away on 29th January 1868 aged 55 years. Johanna Charlotte, Joseph's wife, only survived him a little over two years, passing away on 13th April 1870.
Joseph's bequeathed the business to his eldest son, Oscar Benno Pedro Seppelt, who was only 21 years of age. Under the provision of J E Seppelt's will, Benno received 55% of the estate valued at approximately 1000 pounds, Victor Hugo, Joseph's younger son received 30% and his sister Ottilie 15%.  Benno brought them out, paying 5% interest per annum.  Victor did not play a prominent role in the business and died in March 1882.

Unlike his father, he did not receive the benefits of a European education, but instead attended the local school in Tanunda. An interest in science was stimulated by his attendance at chemistry classes given by Dr C Meucke, who had also given a series of lectures on agricultural chemistry to the Tanunda Vintners & Gardeners Association.

With his determination to succeed and natural ability, Benno set out to expand the family business. He was more than assisted by his wife, Sophie Schroeder, whom he married in November 1870. Over the next 20 years, Benno and Sophie had a total of 16 children, 13 of whom (four girls & nine boys) survived to adulthood.

Benno had a flair for invention and his wine-testing laboratory was considered unusual if not unique in his day. He kept pigs, which were fed on grape-skins, and cured bacon which fetched good prices. He also bred sheep which grazed in the vineyards in the autumn and in 1883 won a silver cup for a champion merino ram.

Amongst other achievements, Benno is credited with the vision for and construction of the 1888 Gravity Flow Cellars, a remarkable winery structure of which is still used today. He is also responsible for the decision to lay down the first vintage of what was to become the Centennial Collection.  A single vintage Tawny in 1878 was especially produced, with strict instructions that it was to mature in barrel for 100 years before release.

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